Wednesday 8 July 2009

Our Story

Our Story

The founders of StockMonks have been active traders on the American , European and Indian markets. We decided to develop and trade proprietary strategies on the Indian markets. Over time, as we accumulated an increased breadth of experience, the team expanded to include risk specialists, trading analysts, and a seasoned IT force.
StockMonks is a registered Firm with Government of Andhra Pradesh in the stream of Financial Services & products include Decision Support Systems, Portfolio Management, Automated Trading, Algorithm trading, Quantitative Trading and High Frequency Trading.

Our Super Computing Cluster:

1)  Our Computing Cluster is placed top in India on financial markets with 100 Tera Flops.
2)  One can assume 100 TFlops as 5000 computers connected parallel to do one task.
3)  One can assume to process 500 GB data at one shot to view the results.
4)  We are using most advanced storage media devices can claim 2000% than existing HDD. And its 300 times costlier than HDD.
5)  We have processor communication speed of 13 Crore messages per Sec.
6)  Our Cluster sample performance can be defined as follows , an IT company having 20000 employee base can be worked on this cluster for processing and storage for their development jobs.

  Our Project:

1)  Managing FOREX for Corporates, Managing Stocks for performance.
2)  Platform access services for lease from the single super computer which provides stability and reliability and ease of access.
3) We design the best strategies from skilful 24 PhDs to generate better “Alfa(Profits)” in existing markets.
4) Our Project operates 24*7 to monitor complex events across the Globe.
5) Our Computing cluster monitored by the world’s top ranked financial trading / investment software.
6) Our trading cluster may be one the best available clusters available on financial markets in India.
7) Our Smart Order routing Systems are inherited from best possible execution style with low latency execution platform.
8) Transparent billing available for the client funds and profit/loss.
9) Our strategies to be backtested and ake possession for production for 18 months.
10) Our Complex Event Processing platform coming to us with top 100 playing algorithms from MIT.
11) Integrating to all major exchanges NSE, MCX, USE in India.
12) Smart order routing systems automates execution venue, and methodology automatically.
13) Our Quant cloud on FOREX/ Options.

Please Call Us, we would love to talk to you!